Board of Directors

Emily Kubusek

Tim Gregory

Tim Gregory

Mrs. Marri Petrucci

Marri Petrucci

Todd Wurschmidt

Todd Wurschmidt

Duck Yim

Duck Yim

Megan Kilar


1 Day for the K.I.A. Leadership



Dylan Van Tassell - Commander

Dylan Van Tassell is a 4th-Year Aerospace Engineering Physics Major who is originally from New York, but has lived in Ohio for around 6years now. Dylan was previously a sponsored runner and the Sponsored Running Lead, and wanted to play a larger role within the organization. Dylan says, “I am looking forward to growing the program and getting more sponsored runners to enjoy everything 1DK has to offer.”


Nick Maggs - Vice Commander

Nicholas Maggs is a 2nd-year AFROTC cadet. Nicholas says, “I wanted to join 1DK to serve. As a potential Air Force Officer, I would like to honor those who came before me in defending this great nation. This organization allowed me to honor those who have gone missing in action or died in combat. By helping to raise funds for a scholarship for children of the wounded it gives me the opportunity to serve those who came before me and to honor their legacy.”

Santiago Zabala - Treasurer

Santiago is a 3rd-year AFROTC cadet. Santiago says, “I joined 1DK because I wanted to be a part of an organization that was bigger than myself. This organization works hard to ensure that the service men and women who never returned are never forgotten, and to be a part of it, is an honor. I was deeply moved by the stories of the families of the service men and women that sacrificed everything for their country, and being part of this organization has given me an opportunity to honor their sacrifice. I have had the privilege of being part of this organization for a semester, and plan to continue for as long as I can.”


Team Leaders

Alex Feltham - Fundraising Chairman


Jonah Shupe -

Human Resources Chairman


Joe Doty - Public Affairs Chairman


Jason Kitchen - Marketing Chairman


Zach Hyatt - Race Planning Chairman

Zach Hyatt is a 3rd-Year AFROTC cadet.

Our Team


1DK Team Accomplishments

1DK News Articles

1DK On Daytime Columbus



Arnold Expo

1DK Team Members Danni and Duck posing with Arnold Schwarzenegger at the Arnold Sports Festival in 2015.